By mylifesucks - 30/08/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me by sending me a Bumper Sticker on Facebook that said "Bitch, let's get married". FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 40

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

Send him one that says "Bitch, get me a ring."


that's pretty sweet. at least you know the guy you're marrying is has a good sense of humour.

daking963 3

that sucks...if he was serious send him a mean bumper sticker back.

Oh yeah and crush the guy so he'll never propose to any girl again. Niiice.

haha hey its not that badd .... its actully unique ....

Punkguy39 0

lol you should of sent a bumper sticker back saying "Ok ******!"

whoa thats....F.U.B.A.R. lol. y the hell would he think that would work. especially the fact t was over facebook hahaha! that really sux haha

It's called humor. You don't want your future husband to be a complete stiff, do you? You could always send him a bumper sticker saying "Bitch, do it right." or something. Lighten up.

RescueMeFromYou 0

hahahah that's always great isn't it?=) it's better than not asking the question at all... did you at least say yes?

gingerbreadpup08 0

That sounds like something my boyfriend would do. XD

Your life doesn't suck. If you know each other well enough for him to propose to you like that you'd understand it right? If not then you probably still need to get to know each other a little more by the sound of it.


hahahahahaaha awww i actually think it sounds cute as he must have a great sence of humour and also thinks you do to propose like that i just think its cute