By anon - 18/01/2012 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend referred to his penis as 'The Eye of Sauron'. It didn't help when he pulled down his foreskin, pointed it in my direction and said 'I see you'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 578
You deserved it 5 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This really doesn't seem as bad when you don't misread boyfriend as brother. Like I did.


eilselivery 0

hahahaha! now i'm really glad i just so happened to watch all 3 LOTR movies this weekend.

emodude44 0
ThecomingofTan 9

I would have gone with 'The Eye of Horus', but to each their own.

Haha that's funny OP, there are certainly worse things in life, and a lack of a sense of humor is one of them.

Should have told him, "This is not the One Ring you're looking for." and beat him with a Star Wars reference!

That is awful. How does that not disgust you on the daily?

We all just like to have a little fun.