By anon - 18/01/2012 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend referred to his penis as 'The Eye of Sauron'. It didn't help when he pulled down his foreskin, pointed it in my direction and said 'I see you'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 578
You deserved it 5 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This really doesn't seem as bad when you don't misread boyfriend as brother. Like I did.


White_Knightspc 0

One **** ring to rule them all!...

Yet another "my boyfriend has a sense of humor" FML.

fabu12 0

So is this suppost to be a bad thing!:)

I think you deserve someone who is mature and not disgusting..

creedaddict 9

Yes, a natural part of a mans body is nasty. You're very naive and narrow-minded aren't you?

creedaddict 9

Are you kidding me? Are you 12? You seriously need to grow up if you think something as completely natural as foreskin is gross.

It's just as nasty as an uncircumcised female. I bet YOU aren't looking to have your sex organs mutilated, are you?