By preggo - 19/02/2012 08:55 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend's father suggested that, ideally, I should aim to have my baby in early July, or wait until he gets back from Europe in October. I'm due September 4th, and he will be "incredibly disappointed" if he misses the birth of his first grandchild due to my "selfishness". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 146
You deserved it 3 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeez don't be so selfish!!! Women these days!!

perdix 29

Tell him you're disappointed that his gigolo son still hasn't popped the question even after knocking you up. I'll bet the old bastard will stop taking his petty annoyances to you anymore.


LemonLolly 10

Wow.... Tell him you can't control when the baby's born. Jesus, what else does he not know about babies?

leilaostara 1

I don't understand why OP deserves it. :L

Rocky007 15

Wait, you're not even married! In that case chances are this isn't even his grandkid anyway.

76transam 0

Part of me doesnt like this comment but at the same time in this generation you might be right sadly.. People lie and cheat and girls are ***** and guys are players thats the age we live in total lack morals! Dating is dying out and being replaced by hooking up. And people find their next partner before they even break up with the previous one so i just stay away from all that crap im gonna stay single and disease free!

76transam 0

Oh and if and when i do get married if my wife asks why i still use a condom ill say cus i dont know where the other guy has been haha

It's ur fault though for NOT USING A CONDOM!!

Maybe she was trying to get pregnant. Also, even if they were using a condom, it could have broke.

My Dad (rest his soul) came to see me after the birth of my daughter, 30 years ago, she was born Dec. 1, his birthday was Dec. 2! He looked at me with a serious, hurt look on his face & said "Couldn't you have waited one more day to have the baby? I wanted her to have my birthday!" I was stunned, didn't know what to say, I felt bad!

Hey, the baby pops out whenever it wants. Doesn't he know that?

Have the baby when it's ready, and if he gets offended and ask why, you need only to respond with " because **** you, that's why".

AngeloDiCielo 4

Why the heck are people bashing on her about getting pregnant before getting married? It's not like her boyfriend left her. And not all women who have sex before married are *****! For crying out loud, people, we live in the 21st century; society evolves!!!!!!!!