By Grrrr! - 23/04/2011 14:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he wanted to hunt Easter eggs before we have sex. I'm glad he has his priorities straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 025
You deserved it 10 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chellean11 0

Me. I don't see an issue with his priorities

ilovehamburgers 0

hunting Easter Eggs are awesome! and only comes once a year. you can have sex anytime.


Aw! That sounds like fun. Maybe he's hidden a special egg for you. ;3 Enjoy the hunt and then have sex.

I don't see any problem besides you being to uptight to enjoy hunting Easter eggs

perdix 29

He just wants to find some eggs before he sauces yours ;)

You said "before", not "instead of". Easter is fun. Don't be a downer.

danz123 7

So if a guy is interested in things beside sex, their gf will whine. If he is interested in sex, she will say 'All he cares about is sex, what about my needs!' bla bla bla.... We can't win.

Most girls prefer a healthy balance. And if a guy has that, and a normal girl he'll win.