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By Faithful - 24/11/2011 10:01 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend told me that if I ever cheated on him, he'll chop my body up and dispose of all the parts, but keep my boobies, because he likes them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 299
You deserved it 7 730

Same thing different taste


What an ass it's a little funny I admit but still what a creep.

Call the police, then dump him. True love doesn't make threats of murder and dismemberment. Nor does it entail objectification. I like my wife's boobs, but I'll still love her even when they start to sag and wrinkle.

You better not cheat on him, then. Sounds like your boyfriend has the right idea, I'm going to tell my boyfriend the same thing, except for the boobies part...

borche 5

That's a influence of Dexter, I guess?!

Creeeepyy.. You sure he hasn't been to jail for a murder or something because that is serial killer talk O.o

BigHayes 0

If you think about its not that much bad except the fact that your boyfriend is a crazy bastard

mileyfan17 8

Not only does he have issues, it seems to me that his feelings for you are not real. Sounds to me that he only likes your chest and will use whatever excuse to keep them. Please save yourself and get out of such an unhealthy relationship.