By pianokiller - 09/05/2009 04:54 - United States

Today, my boyfriend took me to his grandfather's funeral. At the reception, his family members insist on hearing me play piano. After getting positive reactions, I dive into one of my favorites, Rustle of Spring. In 2 seconds everyone bursts into tears. That was Papa's favorite too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 284
You deserved it 4 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I was his family, I probably would have been touched. So don't feel too bad!

tick_tock 0

Don't feel bad, I'm sure they will appreciate it a little later. It's okay.


I'll assume, since you posted this thinking it's an FML, that your playing infuriated everyone to the point of tears. Surely that's it, otherwise you wouldn't be stupid enough to think them being moved to tears is somehow an FML.

im sure it was uncomfortable for you...but still sweet.

I dont know how this was a FML, if I was in that family you would have been the new favourite person. That's epic win right there.

That's not only *not* FML, but appropriate and sweet.

Actually sounds like you chose well ... everyone got to remember something special about grandad.

that_guy01 0

ya don't feel bad, they were probably happy for it, if not now then in the end. It's all part of the healing process.

That's not really an FML moment. I think they were probably touched. And shocked that you knew it was his favorite song, though I assume you really didn't know.