By caligirl921 - 11/12/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. When I orgasmed, my leg flew out and I accidentally kicked him in the balls. For the next ten minutes, he lay in the fetal position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 069
You deserved it 21 117

Same thing different taste


Soooo...he was licking ur pussy standing up?? if he went down on you and you didn't already have you legs open it was doomed from the start!! *********** 101

sfv818danny 0

didn't mean to insult you. just think you could have done better. besides I'm just goofing around

sourgirl101 28

I took it with a "grain of salt". No harm done. (:

sourgirl101 28

39's comment was meant for sfv818danny. But Z!!!!! What are they teaching you in school? Lol

I would've shaken it off and stuck it up your ass. Then we'll see if you kick anymore after that....

If having an orgasmic eruption makes her kick her legs, could you even begin to fathom what in the living **** could happen if she takes a penis up said anal?

Hahah! poor guy! there's an odd way of telling "u did good honey" lol