By caligirl921 - 11/12/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. When I orgasmed, my leg flew out and I accidentally kicked him in the balls. For the next ten minutes, he lay in the fetal position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 069
You deserved it 21 117

Same thing different taste


yummycupcakegirl 0
cmac3308 0
muchagente 5

Today, when i was going down on my girlfriend, she kicked me in the balls. For the next ten minutes, i lay in the fetal position. FML

GotALife 11

what an ironic user name since your 'life' seems to be spent trolling on FML...

There was once a religious group that advocated the same thing. For obvious reasons, this group no longer exists. You gotta look at the big picture.

iivann 0
Irvman21 1

He owes you a back hand to the face... Fyl

op you deserve only blow head or hand job...