By bettycrocker - 14/05/2009 18:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend who has been overseas the last four months broke up with me. I sent him a care package two days ago. He'll get homemade cookies (his mom's recipe), naughty videos of me and a letter telling him how much I love him in about a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 385
You deserved it 5 901

ClaireB9 tells us more.

ClaireB9 0

Hey all - I'm the OP. To answer the most commonly asked question: the trick to keeping cookies fresh for a week is to add an extra tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough, putting a piece of bread in with them and putting them in the smallest ziploc possible.

Top comments

Maybe then he will see how much you love him & he might get back with you Let's hope everything works out for you (yn)

Rawrrr14 0

In a week, after he gets that package, he'll come crawling back and you can tell him to go **** himself. ;-]


likeduhhx4 0

to # 114 how does sending a naughty video TO HER BOYFRIEND make her a **** ? its called having fun.. it's not like it was some random guy who will show everyone.

xemmy_fml 0

To #116. It's called being sexually active outside of marriage. You're a **** if you do it.

MukyDaCookie 0

The cookies will probably go bad by the time they reach him wont they?

d75s74j73s67 0

wow he was pretty lucky. you really have to care about someone to send them your love like that. just try and shake it off for a bit, and know that hes not your destiny, just a small chapter in your life. damnnnn your next boyfriend is lucky

prettyxdemented 0

Hey #114, get off your high horse. If you don't believe in sex before marriage, that's fine, but you have no right to judge people who engage in it as *****. Grow up. kthx. Anyway, OP. FYL. FYL x100. Saying "I'm sorry" here feels weird, as I'm a complete stranger on the internet, but trust me I do feel absolutely horrible for you. THIS is a real FML, and unfortunately it's a completely heartbreaking one. :(

If ur x doesn't eat the cookies can u send them to me

Never put something on tape/film/digital media that you would no want someone else seeing. EVER.

well... maybe that'll change his mind. but ... dang I'm sorry. :( I hope you find someone who treats you well

i agree with what the other person said about telling him he's had his chance and threw it away. youre a wonderful girlfriend and he doesn't deserve you. when he calls and grovels (which i'm thinking he will) whatever decision you make is up to you. you can take him back or reject him firmly, but whatever it is follow your heart.