By bettycrocker - 14/05/2009 18:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend who has been overseas the last four months broke up with me. I sent him a care package two days ago. He'll get homemade cookies (his mom's recipe), naughty videos of me and a letter telling him how much I love him in about a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 385
You deserved it 5 901

ClaireB9 tells us more.

ClaireB9 0

Hey all - I'm the OP. To answer the most commonly asked question: the trick to keeping cookies fresh for a week is to add an extra tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough, putting a piece of bread in with them and putting them in the smallest ziploc possible.

Top comments

Maybe then he will see how much you love him & he might get back with you Let's hope everything works out for you (yn)

Rawrrr14 0

In a week, after he gets that package, he'll come crawling back and you can tell him to go **** himself. ;-]


awww, honey, if you only knew how much i understood. my soldier's also been gone for four months, and we have gotten into some of our biggest fights. i have talked to other people who know soldiers and ptsd and relationships in deployments, and i even got a book on it. once we started really talking about it, it's not about us. i bet you a million dollars he doesnt know what hes saying right now, he's just angry and stressed and scared because of what hes seeing and going through. even being away from you and home is probably freaking him out. it's the #1 thing that a soldier does, is push away the people he loves - it sounds like you two are passionately in love with each other, and i know he truly doesnt want to lose you. i know what everyone else is saying, and i'm not saying it's right for him to treat you wrong, but i'd say give him a shot to come back and apologize...

MrSpooky 0

that sucks...but who knows...maybe he broke up with you cause he thought he felt you'd get tired of waiting for his return...maybe he didn't want to put your life on 'pause' for him...

ClaireB9 0

Hey all - I'm the OP. To answer the most commonly asked question: the trick to keeping cookies fresh for a week is to add an extra tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough, putting a piece of bread in with them and putting them in the smallest ziploc possible.

I feel really bad for you that you get more people asking about fresh cookies than sympathy for the FYL situation. Sorry, OP

cguardchik_012 0

that really sucks but it sounds like this myth i heard about how this guy was in Iraq and he received homemade cookies and a naughty video of his girlfriend who was having sex with some other guy and she ended up dumping him in the video embarassing him infront of all the other soldiers that were watching it with him now im not saying that you ripped your story off this myth and turned it around im just saying thats what your story reminded me of. anyways, hopefully you'll find a better guy than that :)

if it was a video of you doing someone else then you shouldn't feel bad

I agree with #16. That'll teach him. ;D But wait 'till a time when you think he's already eaten the cookies.

AntiChrist7 0

don't choose an ass as boyfriend. YDI

Awwwe. Thats a dick movee to break up with you well he's gone away. Maybe he'll regret it after he gets the package?