By bettycrocker - 14/05/2009 18:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend who has been overseas the last four months broke up with me. I sent him a care package two days ago. He'll get homemade cookies (his mom's recipe), naughty videos of me and a letter telling him how much I love him in about a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 385
You deserved it 5 901

ClaireB9 tells us more.

ClaireB9 0

Hey all - I'm the OP. To answer the most commonly asked question: the trick to keeping cookies fresh for a week is to add an extra tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough, putting a piece of bread in with them and putting them in the smallest ziploc possible.

Top comments

Maybe then he will see how much you love him & he might get back with you Let's hope everything works out for you (yn)

Rawrrr14 0

In a week, after he gets that package, he'll come crawling back and you can tell him to go **** himself. ;-]


Eh, FYL but also kind of YDI for mailing naughty videos of yourself.. Those can be really dangerous; using a webcam is safer.

jeanniner 0

Honestly, I dont think thats bad at all. He's going to get it, watch the tape, then really want to be with you again. And when he comes back you can tell him to go to hell.

xrayrayx 0

hahahhahha this made me feel so much better about my life. but all in all, im sorry, i hope he takes you back. he should. or just make anther naughty video of you and someother guy and send that to him too, he deserves it.

i don't know where he is overseas but i know any type of nudity or violence is illegal over there and they tell you not to send videos because it offends the muslim religion .

lackofcolour 0

guys, he's not necessarily in the army, she just said he was overseas.

#116: I agree with you. YDI for sending naughty videos. Get some self respect.

#124: who said he treated her poorly? Anyway, you sound like an awesome girlfriend.

MiaFleur 0

I fee; very, very sorry for you.

Another dumb woman sending videos of herself out carelessly Y D I