By BambooLove - 15/07/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up wheezing terribly, aching, and sneezing. He's allergic to cats. I have 2 and they are my babies. He gave me an ultimatum, him or the cats. I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell him that I choose the cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 086
You deserved it 65 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him to get allergy medicine then u can have both

swgipe 9

Bravo for keeping your cats! It's nice to see at least one person who won't dump them just because their bf is allergic.


terranada 3

that's not an fml ur just an ass. fhl

malmal85 0

Who would choose a cat over their spouse? that's just not smart! You are going to end up an old lady with no man...... but don't worry you'll have your cats!

no one said anything about her spouse... she said her boyfriend which she obviously doesn't care for that much. And she could always just go out with someone who wasn't allergic to cats who she cares for more.

No she will probably end up a happy old lady with cats married to an old man who also loves cats.

Wow. That's pretty shallow. You're a bitch. Really.?? Cats over a guy.? Just Wow. 

No it's not shallow. She made a commitment to look after something, and kept with it in spite of another offer. My cat is six. If a boyfriend of three months, probably less, was allergic and said she'd have to go, then he could get stuffed. OP obviously doesn't love him that much, so what's the point of them being together anyway?

Because clearly, no man in the universe will share her love for the four legged felines and will spend the rest of her life single. Right...

wtf is it with people and pets. It is not a person. it is not a baby. Or else, it wouldn't be property!

Shouldn't this be your boyfriend's FML? "Today the girl I love told me that she would rather spend her life alone with a pair of cats than be with me." I hope you enjoy being that single old lady with lots of cats.

just tell the dude, then find some guy who us not allergic to cats. not a big deal.

It makes sense. I have a pet cat that i've had for years, it's part of who I am, and my life. It's MY responsibility to look after my cat for his whole life as well as the fact I care for my cat. If it's not possible for a guy to accept (or be allergic to) a pet or something else that is your life; then I get why OP picked the cat over him. She can always stay in contact with the guy and be able to look after the cats. Or she would be able to have the guy stay round who she probably break up with a couple of months later and have the cats, which she clearly cares for, put in a shitty cattery where they'll probably be out down.