By BambooLove - 15/07/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up wheezing terribly, aching, and sneezing. He's allergic to cats. I have 2 and they are my babies. He gave me an ultimatum, him or the cats. I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell him that I choose the cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 086
You deserved it 65 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him to get allergy medicine then u can have both

swgipe 9

Bravo for keeping your cats! It's nice to see at least one person who won't dump them just because their bf is allergic.


That's better than a today, my boyfriend left me after I dropped my pets to the pound. FML. at least your cats won't leave you?

good for you , he shouldn't make you choose I'd tell him to go **** himself

Ditch him OP. Trust me, from one animal lover to another, he's not worth it. You need a boyfriend/husband/whatever that loves them as much as you do or it will always cause problems. My dog has a $1000 surgery coming up which I happily pay for. If I'd married a guy that didn't love dogs like I do, he'd probably ignore the problem or worse. But since he's another animal lover he's supportive. Treat them like children. You wouldn't date a guy that hates your kids either (hypothetically).

What you said. My dogs are my world...I wouldn't be with anyone who didn't respect that.

Honestly I wouldn't stay with someone who made me choose between them and my pets anyway. People who give you ultimatums aren't worth it.

She's a weirdo if she chose the cats over her bf. Crazy cat lady in the makeing.

YDI for having cats, crazy cat lady! YDI for having a boyfriend, *****! am I missing any angles on this one? oh yeah... YDI for using a comma instead of a colon after the word "ultimatum"!

Orbdragon 5

I'm with #62 and many others: Anyone who would give you such an ultimatum is not worth the breath it takes to tell them to GTFO. I'm thankful to have a SO who understands that ultimatums are for assholes; compromise is where it's at. Even then, he's more into my cat than I am ;) OP, I hope you have the guts to actually go through with it. Your kitties depend on you and will always love you, for the rest of their short little lives.