By Gabi - 20/02/2012 14:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend would rather jerk off than have sex with me. Even if I'm next to him in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 255
You deserved it 6 552

Same thing different taste


rileypena1985 2

Sounds like u have sumthing wrong wit ur pussy..

missmarie09 2

Same thing happens to me all the damn time. He says because it's punishment for being a bitch, but even when I'm as nice as I can possibly be I still don't get any. I NEVER tell him no, but I get denied all the time. It's like we're the opposite of a normal relationship because he's the one who's always saying I'm tired or have a headache or don't feel like it. I've taken to denying him when he does want it. And when he asks why I either say because he's been an ass lately or simply " how's it feel?" still haven't gotten anymore doing this , bur at least it's not a one way denial anymore.

OlaDomination 0
vamp_bunny247 2

Same thing has happened to me a couple times!

That sucks :( I would hate that...Luckily that hasn't happened to me yet. Sorry about that, OP

My husband used to be like that before we started having sex on a regular basis when we were dating/living together.

ZombieKitteh 8

This is what happens when ugly people date other ugly people (despite zero physical attraction) just so they can say they have a boyfriend/girlfriend which validates their existence. Not that I'm doing any better lol I've been single for a long time, but I'm not gonna get with a girl who isn't totally awesome and hot just because it's the healthy normal thing to do and to make myself feel/look less like a loser. those are the wrong reasons. Tell me I'm wrong.

mymiles 13

I think you might need some training my friend. Or a new man.

Ultimativefail 11

I'm in the same situation. And I don't know why...