By kj1 - 17/02/2014 18:28 - United States - Draper

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me from the other room for washing the dishes "too loudly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 286
You deserved it 6 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can get off his lazy ass and do them himself!

Sammi0116 17

Is there any quiet way to wash dishes?


deathposts 8

Then obviously you need to shut the **** up. Haha just kidding :)

sounds like the dumbass needs to do his own dishes then!

casual_commenter 9

Did he yell for you to bring him a beer and fix him a sammich too?

zwhite2712 12

Make him do them next time. :P

yell back "why dont you do your own damn dishes next time"

If he's gonna act like a bitch tell him he can eat off the floor like one so you won't have dishes to wash and be "so loud" doing them. Inconsiderate jerk off should be happy you're doing them at all