By epicsquishii - 01/05/2012 11:02 - United States - Riverbank

Today, my boyfriend yet again unsuccessfully tried to hold in uncontrollable giggling every time I moaned or sighed during sex. He's 24. I'm terrified of his reaction should I ever reach an orgasm with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 042
You deserved it 3 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just refuse to have sex with him. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW


azfinnest 0

Squeeze his balls every time he laughs.

You are an idiot. There is no intricate proof of that. And if you think a man laughing during sex is a sign of homosexuality, it's time for a brain.

OPs boyfriend mustve lived a sheltered life

Holy shit, that new profile picture scared me for a second!

poohappens26 0

My husband & i laugh sometimes during sex.. I ask him what's up :)

Laughing and being playful during sex is normal and healthy. Laughing at something the other does is something else, and not OK. It sounds like OP's boyfriend is still in puberty, it would be a major turn-off.

TwiztedYuri 9

force him to watch a few days of ****. maybe he will get over it.

eyecon502 13

Maybe you moan like a Muppet?

Haha Nothing like a "MOOO" to kill a boner. Unless you are into that type of stuff.