By Good sister - 13/10/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, my brother in law got into a fight with my husband. My pregnant sister was yelling at her husband to stop beating my husband up. When I came into the room, I asked why they were fighting. You'll never guess who the real father of my sister's baby is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 151
You deserved it 3 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you.... Just not right that infidelity should manifest itself like that. I'm sorry for your loss. It certainly is a loss. He has taken something from you that you can't get back....not only him but both of them. Can't imagine how you feel. Best wishes. Hope you launched a foot into the cheating happy sacks....


tweetbaby14 18

No it was OP's husband in the bedroom with OP's sister and the toys.

clue_me_in 20

Wow. That's messed up. Sorry OP.

your sister is a bitch and ur husband is a bastard.. this world is going ti hell!!

Wow, I am so sorry! I hope everything gets better for you and you find someone who will make you happy. My husband is a cheater and I am trying to work it out but it's hard. Whatever you choose to do... Good luck!

well, what can we really say about some men.. but wow.. what a wonderful sister you have there taking care of your hubby too

Many are assuming the sister went behind OP's back and slept with OP's husband, but it's possible the husband raped the sister and got her pregnant and she was too ashamed to admit it so lied and said it was her own husband's child. He found out the truth and so now is fighting with OP's husband. Probably the sister really is in the wrong here, but this scenario could be true.

tibbz87 5

Uhhhhhh, WRONG!!!!!! It's not possible at all. Maybe it could have happened but it didn't. That is not what it sound like on here and it clearly didn't go down like that either. Read it more carefully!!!

Actually, 95, you're the one who is not only wrong, but not very intelligent either, based on what I just read. First, your comment made no sense whatsoever. You need to learn not to contradict yourself by stating two opposite positions one after the other. Second, it is entirely possible that the sister was innocent. The FML didn't give any details about the situation, or the sister's role in it at all. It's not probable, but it is possible. YOU should read it more carefully.

It's also possible that she handcuffed him to the bed and force fed him Viagra, then raped him. But just like what you said, thats unfucking likely, and there's absolutely no proof of that in the FML. just because she's a girl doesn't mean that she must be the victim, and must be blameless

Trebie 6

It says the sister was trying to defend the OP's husband from her husband. Why would she do that if he raped her?

I think that if a scenario that serious had taken place, then the part about the rape would've been mentioned in the FML.