By Anonymous - 03/06/2013 20:14 - Poland - Polska

Today, my brother looked me dead in the eyes and said his life goal is to find a way to jizz on everyone in the world. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 583
You deserved it 5 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

larryb1986 9

I would start walking around in a poncho and carrying an umbrella

Poland always gets hit first by these global assaults. World War J is upon us!


klovemachine 24

Now that is an ambitious goal. I would tell him to protect his junk though, because most people won't take too kindly to being covered in random man juice.

It's ok. As his sister I'm sure he's already gotten to you first. You do sleep in the same house, right?

I would take him to a psychologist...with his hands taped behind his back so he can't start...

perdix 29

Seeing that it makes sense that he jizzes over your town before he sets out on his quest, you'd better start wearing Saran Wrap and goggles and a muffler.

olpally 32

IT'S ******* QUAGMIRE FOR REAL!!! Lmao... RUN!!

You might still be saved, he said "find a way" not "to" so maybe if he comes up with a plan on how to do it he'll have satisfied his curiosity and be done with the idea. Let's hope, OP, for everyone's sake.

sneeze_watch 19

Should this REALLY be in the "intimacy" category? Think about it for a sec.

This reminds me of that Lonely Island video Jizzed in my pants.

Lock you door before you go to sleep...and you might also want to check under your bed, in the closet, behind the curtains and so on, if you don't want to be jizzed on...