By Anonymous - 03/06/2013 20:14 - Poland - Polska

Today, my brother looked me dead in the eyes and said his life goal is to find a way to jizz on everyone in the world. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 583
You deserved it 5 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

larryb1986 9

I would start walking around in a poncho and carrying an umbrella

Poland always gets hit first by these global assaults. World War J is upon us!


don't think he'll make it far in the world before someone rips his little dick off...

Well, how old is your brother? If he's past teenhood, then I WOULD worry.

The scariest thing for you, OP, is that he'll probably start with those closest to him.

My life goal is to meet Gray Fullbuster... It's really pretty sad... But I must... I want to be a wizard. God damn it.

Well citizens of the world, we best keep our eye on the sky! Or be splooged on of course!

I'm scared too. I don't want your brother's **** on you

How do you know that he hasn't already "marked" you?