By Cassie - 21/05/2011 07:44 - United States

Today, my crush and I were talking on the phone and we were really hitting it off. We got on the subject of sex and I told him I have a purity ring. Then he suddenly said he had to go and hang up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 926
You deserved it 47 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

I find purity rings a bit creepy, considering most purity rings are given to girls by their fathers. You can still hold your values and not have a "purity ring."


Sargasm 4

Purity rings are great. I'm actually coming up with a line jewelry to remind the weak minded of what they should and shouldn't be doing. Here's what I have so far: - "Shower Every Day" necklace - "Don't Forget To Keep Breathing" anklet - "Look Both Ways Before Crossing" wrist watch - "Lick It Before You Stick It" clitoral piercing

HeaRTs_Girl 0

I'm saying YDI. Every last person I've known who had a purity ring was always an insane, overzealous religious fanatic. So **** you. He probably freaked out because you came on too strongly and scared him, not because he wanted to get laid. I hate religious crazies so damn much... >_< ...

Don't be such a narrow minded asshole, you don't have to be religious to wear a purity ring.

HeaRTs_Girl 0

Why do young relationships have to be so serious? It's just stupid to try and constantly think about and find "the one". For god's sake. Can no one try to live their lives first?

Because HORMONES, thought that was obvious There will be tons of guys like that. Eventually you're going to find a good man worth your time. And I say MAN, not boy. It's probably going to be a while

Oniat 2

YDI. You can have your values without being "reminded" (if you need a reminder of what you believe in, you may want to reconsider your morals) by a silly "purity" ring (sex is natural, nothing to be labeled as immoral or disgusting). Stay true to yourself, not a piece of plastic

haha, purity ring. religious people make me laugh.

Riddles66 0

He's not worth your time homie

most of the comments on here make me realize how stupid people are... pro abstinence can make you anti sex?! seriously?! my sister waited until she was married and she has sex just fine, my friend's parents waited and now they have sex all the time... for thinking that... you are stupid

ever think that maybe risking getting a STD is something she doesn't want? or chancing an unplanned pregnancy that could alter her chances for an education and being successful? its the rest of you who need to grow up. I support her. forget that sad excuse for a man and find a real one. stay strong.