By fudgydiaper22 - 30/01/2011 00:28 - United States

Today, my dad attempted to fix a power outlet. He managed to shock himself with 120 volts and fall backwards, landing on top of me. I am 85 pounds and he weighs 290 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 152
You deserved it 5 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theblackhannah 0

unrelated, but how can you only weigh 85 pounds? I'm a girl and havent been so small since I was ten. are you eleven or very short?


merexbear 0

are you old enough to have a Fml account? lol

I am a 12 year old girl that weighs 85 , and im skinny but not anorexic . some people are just short as well , im average , it is possible to weigh that much and not be anorexic , may i also remind you that you that you have no idea of how short this person is or if they just burn calories really fast. also , ya so what if there young , who cares . ? so it is possible . everybody just needs to shut up and deal with it kaaay . and whoever you are im sorry about what happend , and hope ur both okaay .

What guy weighs 85 pounds?!? Are you anorexic?

I'm not overweight, but this FML makes me feel rather insecure. I'm a 13-year-old girl and nearly twice your weight.

there's a guy in my class who's like 75 pounds and hes 12

One gain some weight your way too small and that's like really gross and two why were you standing behind him that's just asking for trouble

wow you must be like 10 years old or waaay too skinny my love

ohmek 0

Your dad's a candidate for the Darwin Awards.