By davidh5012 - 27/11/2011 21:41 - United States

Today, my dad had his "sixteen years overdue" vasectomy. I'm fifteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 520
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chazzlerazzle 0

Dude don't worry if he really didn't want you he would of falcon punched your mom right in the stomach when he found out she was pregnant

At least your mother isn't having a fifteen years over-due abortion...


rillastyle 1

Buy your self a "all dad wanted was a ********" teeshirt

Don't worry. Even before that no body loved you. Except me sometimes not really ok no one loves you

Er, 15 + 9 months of pregnancy, rounded up = 16 years.

G0v3nat0r 7
danbman95 0

Y do u know he had a vasectomy?

You start counting age from the moment you are born, so your parents had sex 9 months before that (If everyone went correct). Therefor it has been 15 years and 9 months since this person was "made". If you take into account that he could be 15 years and 11 months then it was 16 years and 8 months ago. Logic: No FML here. Maybe just an unexpected baby!

HighasaCloud 46

If OP was about to turn 16 at the time of this post, his father would have said "17 years overdue." It's his own son. I'm pretty sure he knows how old OP is.

That means he probably got it right after your mom got pregnant! So 9 months before u were born.. If u do the math it might make sense

Swing and a miss there friend... think about it... "sixteen years overdue" means he should have gotten it sixteen years ago... before OP was conceived...

It's still possible he's the father... Remember 9 months in the womb and if you're just 15 years and 3 months enough time.

HighasaCloud 46

If you took the time to read the last comment posted at the time of your posting this, you would have realized that you are way off the mark. He is definitely the father. He didn't get it 16 years ago, OP's father meant he SHOULD HAVE gotten it 16 years ago. The man regrets conceiving OP. Do you understand it now?