By davidh5012 - 27/11/2011 21:41 - United States

Today, my dad had his "sixteen years overdue" vasectomy. I'm fifteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 520
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chazzlerazzle 0

Dude don't worry if he really didn't want you he would of falcon punched your mom right in the stomach when he found out she was pregnant

At least your mother isn't having a fifteen years over-due abortion...


Some people just aren't ready for a child, and he was probably one of those people. It doesn't mean you did something bad, he probably just wasn't as good a parent as he thought he should be.

Pufferfish78 5

Some thing your parents should have had before you were conceived?

Vasectomy: (verb) The act of getting someone pregnant through oral sex. It happens when the person swallowed the cum. Very rare chance of getting pregnant this way.

34- In other words, op is trying to say when his mum swallowed his dads cum, mummy accidentally became pregnant. Op knows his dad didn't intend him to be born, rather they just had some fun that night.

It's when they cut off your penis with a siscors

MrsLaferriere 0

A vasectomy is when a man has his vas defrens surgically "shut." much like when a woman has her tubes tied.

Babydoll4ever 7

A vasectomy is when they take out your uterus, and replace it with a second belly button.

34- are you kidding? Seriously? I think you're just trolling. If not, google exists for a reason.

KiddNYC1O 20

Stfu, guys. This person is obviously not of age if they're asking for its meaning...

Before my dad got a vesectomy he said he didn't want "another mistake" and im an only child :(

InnocentDesires 9

No child is a mistake. You're here for a reason. :)

Sorry, I'm confused with this FML. What is the OP bitching about? Does he want a sibling or something?

No he's bitching because he can't take a joke made by his dad calling him a mistake. And if his dad was being serious then the OP shouldn't be such a little shit, then his dad wouldn't regret him

^^You seem mad at OP like they did something wrong...

^^ what 47 said. Read my comment above replying to the other guy

He comes back when he leaves for work everyday, doesn't he? That's how you know he cares.

So prove him wrong by becoming the best son/daughter the world has ever seen! I'll give you a hint: parents love it when you tidy up the house

perdix 29

He's saying that at age 15, you're a huge disappointment, so you might as well go all-in: drop out of school, smoke dope and play video games. Unless that's what your dad does. In that case, become a world-renowned scholar with many expensive degrees.

linkinpark98 23