By davidh5012 - 27/11/2011 21:41 - United States

Today, my dad had his "sixteen years overdue" vasectomy. I'm fifteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 520
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chazzlerazzle 0

Dude don't worry if he really didn't want you he would of falcon punched your mom right in the stomach when he found out she was pregnant

At least your mother isn't having a fifteen years over-due abortion...


That's good o'll redneck parenting right there.

sexxontheebeach 0

I don't see what the big deal is. When my kids get old enough, I'm telling both of them that they were unplanned and my daughter really was an accident. But, I wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world. They're my happy accidents.

BellaMarta 19

15 years + approx. 9 months from conception to birth = almost 16 years. And if you were in Kansas, I'd be worried. Because I dated a David who is now 15.

Are you 15 and 3+ months? Cause I know of dads who get them during the pregnancy. And that would make it about 16 years.

One is pregnant for 9 months. So I think you're good

He said 16 because your mom got pregnant 9 months BEFORE you were born.

mommykrissy_05 7

He might have planned to get it done 16 yrs ago but didnt do it. Honestly you should be greatful he didnt it do it back then and quit complaining!

Hey it's most likely a joke. My parents always tell me if they didn't have me they'd be happily retired. Would be true however they are happy to have me so I laugh about it. They also told me they found me under a mushroom when I was 2 lmao.