By dangyo - 26/01/2009 17:38 - United States

Today, my dad learned how to use the parental controls. I now have an 11 o'clock curfew. I am 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 404
You deserved it 7 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you guys read the first line about parental controls? The 11PM curfew is on the computer, not for staying out. (And is kind of ridiculous btw.) Chillax people. ahve it pretty good LOL. SERIOUSLY.i STILL can't go out late at night and im 18, FML


welcome to my life, im 17 and my cerfew is 10, quit ur bitchen

lyshaa666 0

people who are talking about curfews for which time they have to be home at , he means on the computer. soo, actually read it sometimes.

Exactly. I'm fifteen, I have to be in for nine.

mlsuaarez 0

wtf? im SIXTEEN and ive NEVER had a curfew for ANYTHING i didnt even know people still HAD curfews

ndb703 2

Im 20, in college, live by myself and still have a curfew. My mother calls me every night at 11:01 to make sure im in my room ready for bed and that I did my homework. You talk about your curfew at 17, mine was 9 o'clock at that age, but I will tell you, It has saved me Jail time(my friends invited me somewhere, curfew prevented it, they are in jail the next day) and alot of other things, be greatful your parents know whats best for you. Oh FYI My parents pay my phone bill, they cut service off for me at 11:30 to anyone except them the police and my roommate who sleeps in the same room as me, I can't even talk to my Fiance.

#51, How about you pay for your own phone and stop being a wuss?

aaliyahsagirah 5

That's your fault for letting your over controlling mother tell you what to do when you're an adult. Face it, you could go 'sorry ma, but I'm a goddamn adult now, and you can't tell me what to do'. What the **** is she gunna do about it? What CAN she do about it? Sorry, but you won't get sympathy for being a moron.

She will take away her phone... Lololol!!!

She lives in a dorm/apartment at her college... Away from mommy. I do agree at 20 you should at LEAST be paying for a phone. I've been paying for mine for almost 3 years and I'm not even 19.

nadsm 0

12 PM, idiot. like the middle of the day....

nadsm 0

12 PM you idiot. like the middle of the day...

my brother is 17 and I'm 13 and we have to both b in bed at 9:00

just hold down the reset button on your router, and bam! parental controlls r gone forever. if he does it again reset it again

Windows Vista and 7 have them built-in. Resetting the router won't help. There are countless exploits, though. :-)