By Anonymous - 12/06/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, my dad told me he has money set aside for when he has to bail me out of jail, because "it's bound to happen sooner or later." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 645
You deserved it 10 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now there's something you can't call a... *puts on sunglasses* fund. YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH


what a great dad you have!! haah fyl

frankgrimes 4

that just means your a hoodlum. your dad should be the one on here saying fml for having a hoodlum child

YoungBanks 3

I see nothing wrong with this your dad is an honest guy

LSU33DucKAholiC 0

Aww I wish my dad was that awesome!

wishingstars 3

it's happens to almost everyone be glad you have it especially If its still there in 20 years you can ask him for it plus the interest lol

Lucysmom1 0
mlana96 0

hey it's okay me and my mom are positive in gunna go to jail for partying too hard lol

muffinkitty 15

screw college fund! you need to start saving bail money!!!