By Anonymous - 12/06/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, my dad told me he has money set aside for when he has to bail me out of jail, because "it's bound to happen sooner or later." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 645
You deserved it 10 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now there's something you can't call a... *puts on sunglasses* fund. YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH


holmes4l 1

you should go to a police station and have them pretend to arrest u so that ur dad will have to bail u out, and once he gets there, make. him give the cops the bail money and when ur dad isn't around get the money from the cops... but ve sure to give the cops some of the dough to make it worth their time :D

joncurn99 1
whipmie87 0

my dad has that too! mine is for a DUI tho, he says it's because I am his daughter (he's had like 7 in his lifetime) lol.

IHeartJimi02 0

Is your profile pic from true blood?

hahahah12 0

My dad did the same thing. However, he didn't have the money the second time.