By fuck you dad - 30/03/2013 18:17 - Ireland - Carrickmacross

Today, my dad yet again uttered the words "well, that escalated quickly," while watching the news. He uses this godforsaken meme multiple times a day. I lost my shit and told him to just shut up already. He raised an eyebrow and said, "well, that escalated quickly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 510
You deserved it 55 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

You'd probably have blown a gasket if your dad fired back a quick YOLO.

advent2060 4

Lol u jus got trolled by your dad YDI for sure

Damn.. You ate that Shit! Num Num nums

Shadow_Phantom 26

it's kind of sad how people will become repetitive zombies for the sake of memes...

Where's the YDFDI button when you need it.

YDI. 1) you disrespected your dad by telling him to shut up already. I would've paid for that. And 2) you walked right into that one.

jesellen23 7

Just be happy you still have a dad. One day you'll look back on this and smile.

That would've earned me a a good whoopin'... I don't think I ever had the nerve to tell either of my parents to shut up

mosiz 3