By fuck you dad - 30/03/2013 18:17 - Ireland - Carrickmacross

Today, my dad yet again uttered the words "well, that escalated quickly," while watching the news. He uses this godforsaken meme multiple times a day. I lost my shit and told him to just shut up already. He raised an eyebrow and said, "well, that escalated quickly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 510
You deserved it 55 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I get that your dad was being really annoying, but there are better ways to tell people to "Shut Up"

I mean its not originally a meme it's a quote from anchorman...

Chucklikesbacon 12

Your dad sounds really awesome!

upallnight11 19

You obviously never learned to have respect for your parents, OP. YDI for being so rude.

If only he'd had sunglasses to add to the effect.

My dad does things like that to me.. all the time. I feel your pain. It's so annoying..

ViviMage 38

He wants attention. Stop reacting to it.

ZeeBest86 6

By your name OP it's obvious that your disrespectful. F-your dads life for having a child like u.