By dad - 29/06/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, my daughter had just left for a date with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, she runs back in the house screaming "I forgot to take my birth control!" That is not something a father wants to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 505
You deserved it 53

Top comments

treli1593 0

WHY would she even say that around you?!

Something to keep in mind: Not all girls who take birth control are having sex. Even girls who have boyfriends and are taking BC aren't necessarily having sex. However, it's also really important for girls to take their birth control /every day/ at a specific time, otherwise it really messes up her body. For all anyone knows, she suddenly realized she hadn't taken it that day, and panicked. ... or maybe she's having sex with her boyfriend.


would you rather hear her say that she is pregnant?

Oh for pity sake. So you'd prefer not hear that, and find out she's pregnant or got an STI/STD ? Be glad that your daughter is comfortable with her sexuality, confident enough to talk about it while you're present, and intelligent enough to realise she needs protection if she's sleeping with her boyfriend.

birth control doesn't stop STDs. thanks. and I have to say I think this is fake.. what would bringing birth control do? it's not like you pop the pill and voila you won't get pregnant. you have to be taking it for a month regularly until it will have any effect. so.. whatever.

LOL bitch control. Don't you mean birth control lauren? I wouldn't have let her leave the house.

A real good father would have waved goodbye to his daughter with a shotgun in hand, making sure to glare menacingly at the boyfriend and make eye contact.

themanistheman 0

I'm only 19 but if my daughter were to ever say that, she would not leave the house. Or...maybe I'd let her go on the date after I let her bf know what the consequences were. Shotgun and a baseball bat.

Yeah, cause that's a good way of dealing with a hormone-driven teenager. How about you teach your child how to be, oh, I don't know, RESPONSIBLE about sex instead of threatening her and her boyfriend? Have an open conversation with your child. Tell her you'd appreciate it if she waited to have sex, but in the end, it's her decision, so you would rather have her be safe and on birth control than to be a grandma/grandpa at an early age. Be OPEN about it and get your stupid ass out of the 1960's.

well at least she is using birth control instead of just messing around unprotected, my dad would have beat the crap outa that kid tho

Just because this happened doesn't mean she's having sex that very night; the pill needs to be taken at the same time every single day, or its effectiveness overall is compromised. You should know this.

Your daughter is on birth control, and doesn't want to have a baby. Oh, yes, FYL. ::Eyeroll::

Intellectualist 0

#226, you're 19? You're saying you havn't slept with a girl? hypocrite. At least she's being sensible, I'd rather know my daughter was being sensible than just shagging every man she see's unprotected. Everyone has sex (bar the pope...FHL..) it's natural, fathers need to stop being so ridiculous, and remember that they made their daughters by having sex, and hey, if i t was an accident that these daughters were made, then surely it's a good thing that they're trying to stop the same from happening to them? Men say the stupidest things sometimes.

@ 230: not everyone has sex. Some of us are waiting for marriage. Some can't get it. Some don't want it. Still others can't have it. Try not to generalize so much next time. And imagine if it was your daughter getting pounded. @ OP: FYL. I hope this never happens to me