By dad - 29/06/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, my daughter had just left for a date with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, she runs back in the house screaming "I forgot to take my birth control!" That is not something a father wants to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 505
You deserved it 53

Top comments

treli1593 0

WHY would she even say that around you?!

Something to keep in mind: Not all girls who take birth control are having sex. Even girls who have boyfriends and are taking BC aren't necessarily having sex. However, it's also really important for girls to take their birth control /every day/ at a specific time, otherwise it really messes up her body. For all anyone knows, she suddenly realized she hadn't taken it that day, and panicked. ... or maybe she's having sex with her boyfriend.


what's the problem? being on birth control doesn't mean she's having sex (she could use it for period regulation), and even if she is, so what? she's human. she poops and pees and has sex. just like you. and besides, skipping bc can make your period come early, so it makes sense that she would panic. no body likes their period. and besides, you should be happy. if she has a steady boyfriend, she's having sex. be grateful that she's taking birth control and being a responsible adult about her own body.

To all posters who say she's being responsible And taking measures to be safe- resposible Girls don't forget their pill. Or chose a method that doesn't require remembering daily. Almost all my friends who took the pillas teenagers ended up teen parents. Good luck(soon to be) grandpa

Then they obviously weren't using it correctly. And people who would rather not use /any/ form of protection over BC because they have to remember to take it are horribly lazy. "Hm. I could take BC which regulates my period, lessens cramps, helps prevent PMS symptoms and pregnancy. I could use condoms. But you know what? I don't want to have to remember every day, and condoms don't feel good." ^ Yeah, that's a good mindset. Just because something takes a /little/ more effort to do, doesn't mean it's not completely worth it.

beeblack2692 0

Seriously people, the girl had just left for a date, with her boyfriend; that is what jogged her memory. Even if she is taking it for other medical reasons, the fact that she was leaving with her boyfriend is enough to make anyone wonder if she's taking advantage of it's other uses, i.e: what it's made for: birth control. But besides that, seriously, stop yelling at the guy. He's a father ! Imagine how you would feel if you're daughter did that. It's practically a fathers job to be protective and jump to conclusions. The guy's a dad, how else was he supposed to react ? That's his little girl !

Hich17 0

Ignore most of the comments, OP. FYL. Sorry, man.

You're an adult now and you were an adult when you started taking them (18 right?) So you're parents really shouldn't care because you're an adult and make your own decisions. His daughter could be 14 for all you know.

niska_fml 0

Well, at least she's prepared... :

muffinsareyummy 1

ROFLMFAO. Wow. I'm too much of a daddy's girl to ever say that infront of my father.

Um forgetting birth control does not mean she is having sex. It might mean she doesn't want to start something in the next couple of days for forgetting...

she might be taking it for medical or acne reasons, or as #215 said