By Naulwenn - 23/06/2016 04:25 - France - Groslay

Today, my divorced parents have started sending each other photos of both of my bedrooms, to, “compare the shambles and see who wins.“ FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 855
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because their marriage is in shambles doesn't mean their maturity does too.

I didn't end up on the cover of House Fancy by letting my parents get the better of me. Let them know that you don't appreciate the competition, and that it's causing you stress. What difference does it make what your room looks like? I hate to say this, but I feel like this is a topical issue that's either a gateway or a cover up to much deeper, unresolved issues that will probably stay unresolved... And I have to say, I'm really sorry you have to deal with that.


Sorry to hear that they are acting like that. There is 2 easy ways to solve the problem. 1. Clean up your rooms. 2. If your old enough move out of both of their houses. Just saying.

OP, please smack your parents (lightly) and tell them to stop being so f---ing immature

SmittyJA24 26

You don't give a **** what either of your rooms look like. Why give a **** over other people's communications?

Why be a pawn ...divorce is harder on the kids... Constantly hearing one parent degrade another...

Doesn't sound like they're making OP a pawn so much as subtly tell them to clean up.

YDI for having such pigsty rooms. Sounds like your parents enjoy joking about you to eachother, which is better than many divorced relationships. Suck it up or clean it up.

So let me get this straight: Both your parents love you, You have two rooms, and you're complaining. Kids in Africa could eat those rooms, so be thankful for what you have Quit being a drama *****.

species4872 19

To all of you admonishing the parents, Grow the **** up.