By Naulwenn - 23/06/2016 04:25 - France - Groslay

Today, my divorced parents have started sending each other photos of both of my bedrooms, to, “compare the shambles and see who wins.“ FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 855
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because their marriage is in shambles doesn't mean their maturity does too.

I didn't end up on the cover of House Fancy by letting my parents get the better of me. Let them know that you don't appreciate the competition, and that it's causing you stress. What difference does it make what your room looks like? I hate to say this, but I feel like this is a topical issue that's either a gateway or a cover up to much deeper, unresolved issues that will probably stay unresolved... And I have to say, I'm really sorry you have to deal with that.


Turn their game against them. Ask both (separately) what they'll give you to let them win. Winning is relative though - one might prefer to win by having your room be the dirtiest (winning the bet), and the other win by actually getting you to clean up your room. If that's the case it could be win all around: dad wants pigsty to win the bet, mom wants you to clean your room so it's clean, you get both of them to pay you $50 to let them win in that manner and you come out on top with $100 in your pocket!

I'm so sorry, I know the struggle. Parents sometimes forget you have a life outside of them when they have to share time. It's way too hard to keep two clean bedrooms when you're going back and forth all the time. Hang in there, OP!

Your life sucks. Your parents' lives are awesome.

You might want to tidy up a bit, or better yet, clean one perfectly and double up the mess in the other.

BloodyGlass 10

Do the same with their bedrooms, see how they like it.

AJSAngel 5

Easy way to stop the competition, clean your room!

I did this with my step-daughter's mom. We both decided to empty and clean the rooms at our houses because both rooms got infested with ants and were filthy. Her mom and I would text and send pictures of what we were finding under the beds or behind the dressers. It was actually a weird way for us to bond.

Try to get profit of it. If they want to win it, ask the one who thinks is losing, for something you want in your room, like a tv. If that person says no, say that your other parent would probably give it to you

wrenavery90 12