By amanda - 23/07/2013 05:17 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my doctor told me that I suffer from orgasm migraines. Basically, I get an intense migraine that lasts for hours after I have an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 965
You deserved it 4 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, you can't be pleasured without extra pain.. You have my condolences

"Not tonight dear, I'm going to have a headache."


Martinez0285 28

I guess after you take a pounding... so will your head

Smoldering 15

That is terrible, poor Op. try to see if there are ways around it. Or if not get some prescription pain killers for migraines. Also ask your doctor about Botox (for migraines) it's a relatively a new thing for migraines.

Did you really need a doctor to tell you how you feel ? :)

Migraines can be caused by many different things, it's always best to make sure you know the cause considering it's your brain.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

a guy goes in & you tell him okay stop that's all the doctor said I can take

Wow...this is one FYL where I genuinely feel bad for the OP. FYL, and I hope the doc can help you with that.

Well, there are two types of ****** - vaginal and clitoral. Maybe only one will give you headaches?

What does a priest get when he wants pussy? Nun.