By peanuts - 03/07/2010 04:04 - United States

Today, my dog is mad at me due to the fact that earlier in the day I ate 2 peanut butter cookies. Apparently, they were his dog treats. I had no idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 191
You deserved it 36 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So your dog told you that was the reason it was mad?

This isn't an FML. It's A piece of crap

This is dumb. How would the dog know they were his cookies? It's not like he went out and bought them himself.

And how do you know he's mad at you and for that reason?

how can u not tell tht there dog treats dnt the smell nd taste different... well apperantly u couldn't tell the difference loser lol..

Again, I will say that there are homemade dog treats that look AND smell the same as regulary cookies. Learn your facts!

tweetbaby14 18

53- maybe the people saying it don't look into fmls like you because they have better things to do after they comment. have you thought about that?

Excuse me, I don't have a problem with people stating their opinions, maybe they really didn't read all the comments. It's people who say "loser, you're stupid, stupid bitch, etc" that really do me in, because they think they are right when they are really wrong and make fun of the OP.

xxxviii 5

One thing comes to mind.. Your dog,,You buy the treats and care for the dog.... How did you not know where u got them from??? I am calling BS.

how the hell is this an FML? big whoop, u ate a dog treat. u know they make them with real ingredients now?  listen, your not gonna die or anythin stupid like that. so suck it up. and if it bothers u that much, get off the goddamn computer and get ur stomach pumped. ignorant bitch ...

B3CC4 0

12 yuhr a fricken idiot. thank yuh for being the dumbest person here

No I believe you are. You can't even spell!