By peanuts - 03/07/2010 04:04 - United States

Today, my dog is mad at me due to the fact that earlier in the day I ate 2 peanut butter cookies. Apparently, they were his dog treats. I had no idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 191
You deserved it 36 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sloop_fml 0

wow, the dog is smarter than you. a recurring theme here on recent fml posts.

egging 0

44 - a little hypocritical, don't cha think? OP - my cat was mad at me for eating her food because I thought it wad tuna! YDI for even putting this up, you stupid bitch.

Okay wow everyone!! All the people that are saying the OP is stupid for not noticing the cookies were dog treats stfu. Have you not listened to the other comments about how some dog treats are identical to human cookies bu without sugar?? Listen before any of you comment on this again. And also the OP was probably in her own house, which means that she can eat those cookies if she wants to! Jeez, pay attention people and lay off the drugs!

egging 0

51 - um, you? 50 - that's not why we're calling her stupid. she said "my dog is mad at me..." READ.

I did read it. That's why I posted that, why don't you try thinking for a moment? hm?

JokeMeister 0

After TWO you just figured it out?! Talk about oblivious.

It's not obvious. try reading my post above and growing a brain.

I ate a dog treat when I was 1 year old, I took it out of the dogs dish. My Mum was scared I'd get sick but the nurse told her that it was exactly like a human biscuit without the sugar so I'd be fine. I doubt the dog is really mad at you, our dog wasn't mad at me....

soccerlover1234 0

ur dog is mad at u WTF

crazytay 0

didn't they taste funny? lol