By Cecilly2010 - 28/04/2011 15:53

Today, my drunk dad started yelling at my dog for not having a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 616
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah why cant he be like the dog on the beggin' strips commercial! lazy dog

Well someone's gotta be put to work. Booze isn't going to buy itself ya' hear.


Lazy damn dogs! All mine do is lay around and sleep and eat all day! Time to get out there and get a job, pay their own way! LOL!!

Blackemo129 0

Dogs talk and work now? Whaaat, your dad is crazy when he drunk.

DropDeadBlaze 0

sorry but that's hilarious.

wow thts...weird. if yur dad doesnt hve a job i'd b funni b creepy if yur dog said bak "yu get yur lazy ass up nd get a job"