By Anonymous - 28/11/2013 16:53 - United States - Livingston

Today, my family and I finished moving to Texas. As if that isn't bad enough, I'll have to introduce myself all over again to everyone I meet and explain that yes, my parents really did name me Lilypad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 564
You deserved it 4 346

Same thing different taste

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I don't think op has an issue with moving to Texas but maybe because they are leaving all their friends and family

OP, Lilypad is actually a pretty cool name. I think so anyway. And you should be happy you have a nice name like that instead of some of the more unlucky kids like Placenta, or my personal favorite terrible name "Sha-theed". No, that is not how it is spelled. Or like several other commenters have said, just introduce yourself as Lily.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Everything, 27. The better question to ask is, what isn't wrong with Texas? I'm just kidding. I live in Pennsylvania so I have no room to talk shit.

If you introduce yourself as simply Lily, no one will ever know and you have nothing to explain.

Haha it's cool 32, but seriously... I could see if she was moving to Ukraine (sorry any Ukrainians on this site). Just saying, it could be worse. And a lot harder to explain your name, lol.

mandymay21 7

Texas is actually a really great place. The people are quite nice and there is great hospitality there. I hope you warm up to it!

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Hey now, we're like any other state. We have big women, skinny women, short and tall ;). If your Alaskan maybe you'd want a big woman.