By Female_Lucifer - 20/10/2013 13:02 - United States - New Lebanon

Today, my father was taking pictures of my friend and me as we got ready for homecoming. After the pictures were taken, he offered to show us. He scrolled one picture too far and ended up showing us a picture of his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 378
You deserved it 5 179

Same thing different taste

Comments and your friend going to have mental scars for the rest of your lives.

For the sake of his ego, I hope the temperature wasn't cold when the dick pic was taking.

Jazmine453 8

That's going to be hard to explain to your friend.

Damn that sucks OP, but hey at least you have pictures for homecoming!

perdix 29

Hopefully, you convinced your friend that was a picture of your weird uncle Ned that your family doesn't talk about.

graceinsheepwear 33

As a sexually open woman, i have talked with many other women and it is very rare to find a woman who likes a close-up dick pic. Dicks are divine, but in context. Photographed as "parts" they aren't that appetizing. And guys, if you are talking to "a woman" online who asks for a pic of your junk, you are probably being catfished.

Appetizing? That's odd, I like pictures for pictures

Hmmm I've had a few guys that were all too eager to send me pictures of their penises. Perhaps it stems from their Kindergarten days of "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"? :P

graceinsheepwear 33

34, the multitrillion-dollar industry of advertising would suggest that your comment is probably written, as a teenage boy, mostly to give me a hard time.

I like close up pictures of dicks. Not all women dislike them.

Rainhawk94 27

#68 well do i have something for you

Who takes pictures of their daughter and friend "getting ready" for homecoming? That, in itself, sounds creepy. Methinks the penis show was intentional, aimed at your friend. You were just caught in "friendly fire," as it were.

graceinsheepwear 33

Every family I know takes pics at home before prom, now and back when I went in 1976. They weren't digital in those days though. We carved then into the walls of our cave and used berries for color.

Yes, I understand the tradition of taking pictures at home - of the girl/guy all dressed up and ready to go. I have never in my life heard of someone documenting the "getting ready" portion of the night, though... Being dressed already and ready to go isn't how I read this FML, it sounded more like he was taking pics of them getting made up, etc.

The OP had it right actually, it should be "my friend and me". The easiest way to figure out which way it should be worded is to drop the "my friend" part. Saying "my father was taking pictures of me", makes sense... saying "my father was taking pictures of I", doesn't.

Don't try to be a grammar nazi if you don't even know what proper grammar is.

graceinsheepwear 33

My point in my prior comment not meant to apply to the daughter, but to why do men take these pics to begin with.

31- Maybe this is too large a problem for you to swallow.

showmeyourears 19

Because some women like their man's dick :P

graceinsheepwear 33

I love my man's dick, so choke on that! Just saying I and many women I have spoken with prefer a pic with the man attached, not disembodied parts in the frame.

showmeyourears 19

Well between the two, I prefer the whole body too, but I don't mind if it's just the dick. I find it to be an attractive part even on its own.