By ouch. - 25/09/2011 04:17 - United States

Today, my father was telling me that one of the benefits about his job was that the family could get discounts, then asked if I'd like some. My dad's a plastic surgeon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 040
You deserved it 3 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeapieandrun 9

Tell him you need to make your face look as different from his as possible

Plastic surgery is a very expensive treatment, thats really nice of him to offer! You should be grateful.


Hahaaa! It sounds like your dad was just trying to be helpful and a little cheeky :)

mishkaroni 15

Ha! That's kind of awesome. I would think seriously about that one. Seems like he was just being helpful...

mintcar 9

YDI for being oversensitive! he was just being nice.

Take him up on it and tell him that I've been wanting to get a boob job for a while to plz ur fiancé, oh and when he acts surprised (if ur not engaged) then be like "opps did I forget to tell u". It'll be a double slap in the face.

I hate bvb but I agree with your comment

Maybe he thinks your fat or need bigger boobs!