By Andrew - 31/10/2011 04:04 - United States

Today, my fiancé and I got married. We both promised to remain abstinent until our wedding day. She's on her period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 886
You deserved it 9 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leadman1989 15

Part the red sea, it's not the end of the world buddy!

saIty 17

Just wait it out, so when you guys do finally have that moment, you guys will go more hard. Also, it'll feel a lot better.


pclaibourne 0

Who cares bro go get ur red wings

jxr22 0

It's going to bleed anyway go for it

AcidRaen 4

It doesn't last forever and its not like you're gona get divorced tomorrow. Be patient and wait 3-5 more days. Jeeze.

if you waited this long, another week or so doesn't matter, especially now you can sleep with her the rest of your life. just be glad your getting some soon, think of all the singles who are in limbo, not knowing when their next shag might be and the time itll take for the 1 after that...

AgentSmith79 9

Abstinence just means you don't have sex with HER. Find someone who's not on their period. Problem solved.

Well if you love 'er, why do the sauces matter xD

More like F HER life! She has her period on her wedding day! That sucks! Just wait a few days OP. You waited this long, a few days won't make a difference