By Wow. Really? - 29/04/2013 18:07 - United States - Columbus

Today, my fiancée broke off our engagement. For some bizarre reason, she'd hidden a pair of expensive boots and her iPad underneath our ride-on mower. I turned the mower on and destroyed both without realizing it. According to her, the fault is all mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 869
You deserved it 4 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aldwin_fml 7
Wizardo 33

Your fiancé is crazy, definitely dodged a massive bullet with this one... btw run or its gonna be you under that lawn mower next...


born_hustla 26

I don't care how you guys met or how you think you felt about her, but you should never talk to her again.

MamiChula99 5

That's her own fault for putting them there! Go find another woman with some actual common sense!

Be glad you found out she's crazy before the wedding.

doomsauce 3

She needs to learn to control her temper and take responsibility for her actions.

I hope the OP chimes in with some more details. I'd very much like to find out why she did it and her basis of why it is OPs fault and why she is hiding an iPad and shoes in the first place.

Wealthyparrot 9

She was cheating on you, and needed to go on the offensive. Or she was doing something else equally incriminating. Or, she has disorder (mood disorder, personality disorder, etc) that makes her emotional control weaker, in which case sympathy might be appropriate.

She sounds a bit dim witted, sorry to hear that op! But you definitely dodged a bullet there!