By Wow. Really? - 29/04/2013 18:07 - United States - Columbus

Today, my fiancée broke off our engagement. For some bizarre reason, she'd hidden a pair of expensive boots and her iPad underneath our ride-on mower. I turned the mower on and destroyed both without realizing it. According to her, the fault is all mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 863
You deserved it 4 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aldwin_fml 7
Wizardo 33

Your fiancé is crazy, definitely dodged a massive bullet with this one... btw run or its gonna be you under that lawn mower next...


LegendofZelda88 8

I believe buckcherry wrote a song about this, what was it called again.....oh yea, Crazy Bitch! lol sry she was nuts OP

You just dodged a missile bro, be glad you found out she's bat shit crazy before you got hitched

VoodooPriestess 16

You guys are all clearly don't understand the 'game' she played here. Those things were hidden there because she was going to pull em out at a later time, when to spent money was less obvious on the statement. She wears the boots, he notices the new boots, he asks 'New shoes?' , she says 'These old things? had them for a while just now wearing em. You must have forgotten silly man' and then she hopes he thinks she is right. Common game the females play. She was apparently just a dumbass and chose a horrible hiding spot.

She sounds nuts, your better off without her.

lovezaya 6

If she wanted to hide the stuff she could have just asked the car keys and the remote...they are very good at hiding.

Well at lest you don't have to marry an idiot....

Anyone else need to read this several times before it sunk in that it actually is just ******* MENTAL!!!

Iniezian 18

Don't just sadly shake your head when you read about people saying "you dodged a bullet", thinking she was perfect. This was a divorce waiting to happen, and with the family court and divorce industry in the USA set up to screw men, your life would have been destroyed forever.