By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


This is what happened to George Bush's daughter!

wickedsick 0

Wow. Seriously? YDI. If you're going to dine&dash, do it right.

Honestly, I hope you get charged with petty theft. Regardless, most high-end restaurants are used for business and conversation. The waiters are supposed to be suave, sophisticated, and virtually invisible.

valuemeal2 1

Stealing is not cool at all. Talk to the manager or leave a 1¢ tip. Definitely YDI.

In many ways to 59, 74, and 85-- The $2.13 an hour is not a lie--it's the truth. Yes, the tips I make are SUPPOSED to bring it above minimum wage, but that doesn't always happen. Yes, the company/restaurant I work for is SUPPOSED to make up the difference. In actuality, though, if I end up making less than minimum wage with tips, I am told by my manager to claim more, and they assume that I'm lying about my tips, when I'm not. Or, they average that day's wages in with the rest of the week's and call it even so they don't have to pay me extra. I work for a concept in the largest restaurant corporation in America. I've worked for this concept in two different states. The same is true in each. I end up owing on my taxes because I claim accurately because the $2.13 just doesn't cover the taxes. Add in that they charge me 2.25% of my sales to auto tip the hosts and bar, but still want me to claim that money even though I'm not leaving with it. It sucks. You leave me 15%, and I get 12.75%. You dine and dash, and I have to pay my check AND the 2.25% ON TOP. I might end up leaving work with less money than I came in with, meaning I've PAID to bust my ass for hours serving a bunch of assholes food, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning my tables, and rolling silverware. It's crap. Everyone should work as a server once in their life. Early preferably. I firmly believe this. -51

I was very inclined to do the same this evening, even though i disagree with the idea and feel that there is a better way to do things. dine-and-dash is trashy, yes, but when you cant get your server to come and get the bill for 20+ minutes, and the place is pretty much empty, it's just being a jerk. My better-manered friend convinced me to not do it, but i identify with this FML. It's never right, but it's so damn tempting when you have a server who would rather hang out with the bartender than receive a decent tip, as well as the price of meal. So, i just stole her neat pen. ha

79. if you tell a manager you plan on not paying for the food due to service, it IS stealing.. a friend of mine at work once had a table of 7 people where they asked for seperate checks, 5 of the people D&Dd and the waitress caught on before the 2 others could...called a manager over... they said, they got bad service and that they would pay for their two checks but not their friends...we called the New York City Police Department in because they refused to pay. 4 officers came in, told them they would pay for everything or they were getting arrested.

You know, you can just complain to the manager or something. You ******* deserved it.

nick19 0