By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


kellster 2

SERIOUSLY not okay. Would you think that it was okay to steal clothes if you were in a store where the staff were apparently not paying you enough attention?? No. I hope not, at least. Maybe you would. I would not. This is how it works at a restaurant: you go. You order food. You pay for the food. Next part: someone brings you the food, ideally. They also bring you beverages, the check, etc., and if they did a decent-good job, you do the standard-practice thing and leave them a tip of the acceptable amount in your part of the world. If this second part is not optimal, it in no way cancels out the first part: wherein you ordered food and ate it and then paid for it. Do you understand now? Do you need a diagram? Or perhaps community service...

YDI stupid bitch. I did that once. karma hit me real bad. I learned my lesson.

coming from a server in a restaurant..**** you. most of the time, the total of the bill comes out of our pocket, so again, **** you.

oooh_dear 0

99. im pretty sure they didnt leave the purse as a payment. she did it on accident. that was the whole purpose of the FML. she did a dine and dash. and then got busted because she left her purse.

mysisteristhefav 1

You are a moron. I am a waitress and i hate customers like you. The service probably wasnt bad, you are most likely really demanding and difficult and the waitress was perhaps just avoiding your narcissistic ass. I am a waitress and if i have a table walk out i have to pay for it out of my own tips...which is also my only source of income. You deserve what you got, i hope they press charges. Karma sucks doesnt it ********?

smokeyou 0

YDI...but in all actuality you could totally lie and say there was an emergency, which would explain you leaving your purse behind. Added bonus of not getting arrested and just having to pay for the meal that you should have paid for in the first place. And that's pretty ****** to leave btw. Something about the fact that you would ever dine and dash makes me think that the service wasn't that bad, but that you're just a spoiled little bitch.

YDI. I'm a server, and many of my co-workers (who are genuinely some of the kindest and hardest-working people I know) have been dashed out on - I find that people who pull that crap most frequently have never worked in the service or retail industry, and would probably lack the maturity to do so. If the food and/or service is poor, you request a talk with a manager like a rational person. If you run out to avoid it unconstructively, you have every reason to be charged with petty theft.

#79- No, it's not acceptable to INFORM the manager that you won't be paying for the food because of poor service. If a customer eats the food, that is their agreement to pay for it. No. I have to laugh a little at all the Americans on here going on as if the US is the only country in the world. Here's a heads up- you're not. So don't go preaching that 'By law, this is how it works" as if to proclaim Ultimate Truth. Laws from State to State vary widely enough, laws from county to country vary even more. No, not ALL servers have to pay for D&D's, not ALL server's are legally prevented from having to pay for them (though where I live, it IS illegal for an employer to make a server pay for a D&D, or even any wasted food, out of their own pockets. But that's not everywhere). As for the OP. No sympathy whatsoever. I'm generally a pretty easy going server, but I have no patience for D&D'ers. If you'd been my customer and came back for your purse, you may have found that you had given me a VERY generous tip. And how could you complain? To complain would be to admit that you yourself had stolen food from the restaurant.

KARMA! YDI. This is never an acceptable thing to do.