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This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By katem - 16/04/2013 05:08 - United States

Today, my friend and I were seeing a movie. We ended up sitting next to a man who was continually laughing, clapping, and bouncing up and down on his seat. Extremely annoyed, we turned to him and told him to "shut the fuck up". Turns out he had downs syndrome and ran out of the theater crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 820
You deserved it 158 429

Top comments

Why would your first course of action be to tell someone to "shut the **** up"? I agree with #3.


KrystleLynn 0

Wow, you two are thoughtless. Try to THINK before you do something so stupid, yeah? Aaand first :]

scorpioserpent 1

hmm well it is not fair to the other viewers whom I'm sure were annoyed too. But I guess you could have asked nicely? Not sure it would have helped though.

Why would your first course of action be to tell someone to "shut the **** up"? I agree with #3.

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He's lucky he only got verbal abuse. Usually the FMLs describing this exact situation have popcorn being thrown or some shit. I will give my usual advice: next time eradicate these drains on society with deadly force. That is all

#5, karma will seriously come back at you.

i_like_chicks 0

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You kind of deserved it for asking like that first off. It would have been rude eve if he wasn't handicapped. Also sounds kind of fake. People with downs are usually fairly oblivious to others reactions to them. I don't think it's likely he'd run out crying, unless you were really loud and abusive, which just makes it more of a YDI imo.