By shithead - 18/09/2011 20:17 - United States

Today, my friends and I ran through a flock of resting seagulls. The birds took to the skies and chased after us, covering us in shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 785
You deserved it 51 163

Same thing different taste


That was a dumb idea; you deserve it so bad.

erpaderp 17
perdix 29

Holy Livingston Shit! Who'da thunk there would be seagulls in Wisconsin? I wouldn't have believed it, except I've seen it for myself -- however, I'm smart enough not to hassle an animal that is armed with a shit cannon.

FYLDeep 25

Why wouldn't there be seagulls in Wisconsin perdix? Where ever you can find people outside, having fun, enjoying themselves, there's bound to be seagulls to wreck their day.

perdix 29

Because you expect seagulls to be near the sea. I thought that in the heartland, fun would be ruined by pigeons and grackles.

ikickgingers 15

Grackles are creepy ass looking birds. They look soulless.

perdix 29

You're telling me! When I was in college, we'd be swarmed by grackles every January. Ginger grackles, they are not just soulless, they have a deficit of souls!

Your pun sucked. I refuse to call it shitty.

ikickgingers 15

22 - your profile picture scares me. :/

perdix 29

I saw it before they removed it. It could have been fake. I wanted to try to run it through to see where that pic came from.

rexgar2000 10
perdix 29

It was pictures of a dude's abs. They looked like they were CG, not real. Creepy looking. Poor Kicky scares easily.

The reference was solid, but god do I hate that song.

boredblonde 17

never mess with birds. lesson learned.

Has anyone run in to a flock of birds and made them scatter before? I do it all the time. It's so much fun! Never pooped on yet. (knocks on wood.)

You decided to to fight; birds don't play fair. That bird done took a shit in your hair. Sucks to be you, but You Did It yourself, don't **** with birds yo, peace out gotta go

skata 4

your pic looks just like the one right above you (33)