By shithead - 18/09/2011 20:17 - United States

Today, my friends and I ran through a flock of resting seagulls. The birds took to the skies and chased after us, covering us in shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 785
You deserved it 51 163

Same thing different taste


Birdie, birdie in the sky. Why you do that in my eye? Big and white, taste like sap. Oh my God it's birdie crap!

mizzflory 5

Seagull: Command, this is seagull 1, chasing tango's in our sight right now. seagull: seagull 1, FOX 2. Seagull 2, fox 2 Pidgeon 1, fox 2 Op: oh god, they're dropping shit. YDI, never mess with the might of the Avian Air Force.

gatorkiss 0

Yep it was like pearl harbor . Congrats on getting shit on.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Heh, don't worry 45, that's the first thing that popped into my head when I read this FML too, but I had read it too late. Boo hoo.

Salinnax3 2

OP is named shithhead. I guess they're shitfaced with stupidity as well!