By datgirl92 - 24/05/2013 14:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my friends and I were talking about the creepy stranger that used to stalk me back in high school. I guess his looks changed a lot through the years because I found out that he's my current boyfriend of four months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 279
You deserved it 19 682

Same thing different taste

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I remember all my stalkers names, the ones who would follow me into to bathroom, the ones who tried to pin me to walls, and the ones who unlocked my door just so they can be near me. That way nothing like falling for them later can ever happen to me

BWAHAHAHAHAHA oh maaaaan...! BUT HEY! If he's your boyfriend now and not a creepy stalker dood then it means he grew as a person, no? Don't feel bad OP! "Creepy" is just a matter of perception! :)

tehdarkness 21

How did you figure it out?

personality must be dif too if you're giving him the time of day.

still a better love story than twilight

Looks like all that stalking paid off

How did you not know that? Doesn't he have the same name now as he did back then? I guess not...Yikes!

meherm 11

Damn! But hey if you're happy with him, then those past events shouldn't matter.

meherm 11

Unless those past events were really bad in which case the option is up to you OP (forgot to add this)

Jlow17 4

I'm so sorry but honestly I find that down right hilarious